Ohio history

The historic Smiley Farm.

In 1772, four years before the start of the revolution that wrested control of the colonies from Great Britain, the British king, George III, gave hundreds of acres of land in what was then the Colony of Virginia to an Englishman named Alexander Smiley, for the purpose of f

Smiley, with help from the eighth and ninth generations of Smiley farmers — his son, James, and two grandsons, John and Alexander — raises corn, soybeans, hay, and Charolais beef cattle on 100 acres of the original Smiley farm, plus additional farmland they either own or lease.  

“The deed from King George was for at least 500 acres, but might have been for more than 1,000 acres,” John says. “We’re just not sure because parts of it were parceled off when people got married, and lots of the property records were destroyed in a courthouse fire.” 

The WACO Air Museum and Learning Center in Troy, Ohio.

Vintage aircraft are a common sight in the sky above and along County Road 25A at the south edge of Troy in Miami County — especially during late September, when the WACO Air Museum and Learning Center hosts its annual fly-in.

“The fly-in gives us a chance to show off our facility,” Royer says. “It is here that people can walk through the history of Troy and Miami County, which were at the forefront of the aviation history.”

WACO (Weaver Aircraft Company) in Troy was the largest manufacturer of biplanes in the country during the late 1920s and early 1930s. Buck Weaver, a civilian who instructed military pilots in Texas during World War I, and friends Clayton Brukner, Sam Junkin, and Charlie Meyers founded the company in 1920. 

A salt bed under Lake Erie

A multitude of boaters, anglers, swimmers, vacationers, sun-chasers, and thrill-seekers flocks to Lake Erie each summer. Most of them will have no idea of the activity taking place far beneath those waters.

The entrance to one of the mines, operated by Cargill, Inc., is just offshore from downtown Cleveland on Whiskey Island (so named when a distillery was built on the site in the 1830s). The second mine, operated by Morton Salt, is 30 miles farther east along the lakeshore at Fairport Harbor. The property and mineral rights under the lake are owned by the State of Ohio, but the mineral rights are leased to the two operators.   

Big Muskie

Mentioned in most places, it will set an angler’s heart racing — but mention “Big Muskie” in southeast Ohio and it’s likely to bring on intense memories, curiosity, or the warm and fuzzy feeling that at one time, right here in Ohio, the largest dragline excavator the Earth has ever known operated

The Akron home of Alcoholics Anonymous founder Robert Smith, located in Akron, Ohio.

[Editor’s note: Ohio Cooperative Living honors the tradition in Alcoholics Anonymous in which members are 
granted a level of anonymity in the press.]

Launched in Akron in 1935, AA is a fellowship dedicated to overcoming alcohol addiction, extensively documented in its publications such as Alcoholics Anonymous (known as “The Big Book”), Dr. Bob and the Good Oldtimers, and AA Grapevine.

New state holiday honors the former president and hero of the Civil War.

Ohio is known as the “Mother of Presidents” because eight of the nation’s 46 chief executives called it home. The first of them, Ulysses S. Grant, now has a state holiday in his honor.

The idea for Grant Day came from State Sen. Terry Johnson (R-Scioto County), whose 14th District covers Clermont, Brown, Adams, and Scioto counties. “I was attending Grant’s 200th birthday celebration in Georgetown and got to thinking it would be nice to make his birthday a state holiday,” Johnson says. Adam Bird, who represents House District 63 in southern Ohio, wholeheartedly agreed, and in May 2022, the two legislators introduced companion bills proposing Grant Day. They worked together as their bills moved through the legislative process, and Gov.

Great Council State Park is scheduled to open near Xenia early this year.

The last organized departure of Shawnee people from Ohio began in September 1832.

Telling the story of the Shawnee — and their relationship with Ohio settlers — is the motivation behind the creation of Great Council State Park, scheduled to open early this year on State Route 68 between Xenia and Yellow Springs. 

Wallace, who has tangled with state officials on other issues, praises ODNR and the Ohio History Connection for the efforts to accurately present the Shawnee story in the new park. “I’ve always told them, ‘Don’t talk about us, talk with us,’ and that has happened from day one with this project,” she says. 

The reconstructed Central Mound at the Seip Earthworks southwest of Chillicothe (photograph by Mary Salen/Getty Images).

Jennifer Aultman speaks with reverence when she talks about Ohio’s earthworks — eight of which, linked together as the Hopewell Ceremonial Earthworks, have been inscribed as a World Heritage Site by the United Nations Educational, Scienti

About 1,100 landmarks around the globe have been added to the list since the program began in 1972, with 25 of them in the U.S. This is the first in Ohio.

Why are they special?

There are 10 criteria, any one of which qualifies a site for the World Heritage list. The OHC/NPS team cited two of those as they made the case for the Hopewell Ceremonial Earthworks

John Kenley is credited with carving a path for Broadway touring companies and founding today’s thriving arts scenes throughout the state.

Broadway musicals have dazzled audiences since the 1850s, and this year will be no exception.

Kenley — a theatrical producer and former vaudeville performer — founded the Kenley Players, which brought “America’s most exciting summer theater” to Ohio from 1957 until 1995, drawing crowds with lavish productions, low ticket prices, and big-name stars in leading roles.