Up Front

An electric lineworker on a utility pole

I think we all can relate to the amazing feeling of those sunny, 70-degree days that start coming regularly in April, giving us hope that winter is finally over.  We also know that crushing feeling of 30 degrees and snow the next day — bringing us back to the reality that winter isn’t quite finished with us yet. 

Kite with key on string in front of stormy sky

My still-new role leading Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives, as you might expect, requires a good bit of trying to see into the future in order to make the best decisions about our path ahead. Part of knowing where you’re going, however, also means understanding the past.

It’s important that developers and companies looking to establish operations understand all the benefits cooperatives have to offer.

Affordable and reliable electricity strengthens cooperative communities and enhances the lives of members wherever they are — on farms, in homes or schools, at their small businesses or large retail establishments, or even in industrial and manufacturing facilities. While it’s essential to meet our obligations to current cooperative members, we must also work to support economic development activities that help attract new people and enterprises to cooperative territories, with the aim of further benefiting these communities.

Hands holding a lightbulb

I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to lead two remarkable organizations, Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc., and Buckeye Power, Inc. (together known as Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives). Our primary goals — providing affordable, reliable power and partnering with electric cooperatives across Ohio to enhance the lives of their members and communities — have never been more important, and I don’t take that responsibility lightly.

Former presidents of Ohio's Electric Cooperatives

Going back to our beginning, every leader of this organization has been distinctly different from the last. We’ve all had our own personalities, our own priorities, and our own approaches to the issues of the day. While none of us has been perfect, each has been the right person at the right time for the needs of the organization. 

Hurricane doppler

Every so often, we are reminded of the raw power of — and our relative helplessness against — the forces of nature. Throughout Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, communities are still coming to grips with the devastation wrought in late September and early October by the one-two punch of hurricanes Helene and Milton, two of the more powerful and damaging storms of the past few decades. 

The utter destruction there is difficult to fathom. Recovery will take months, and even years in some communities.

View of the world from outer space

Our nation’s workforce has experienced significant shifts these past few years as a new generation of workers and leaders has started taking the place of aging baby boomers like myself. Now, as I prepare for my upcoming retirement in early January, I’m in the process of turning over the leadership of Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives and Buckeye Power to our next president and CEO. 

Digital design

Cooperation Among Cooperatives, one of the foundational principles that guide cooperatives everywhere, is especially important to electric cooperatives. It’s easy to see why: When we step back and look at the amazing accomplishments that have been achieved by relatively small, locally owned electric co-ops, we realize that they have always been better when they work together than when they try to go it alone. By focusing on our common interests, as opposed to our differing ideas, we have been able to succeed and even to thrive through changing times.

Lightbulb with gears graphic

Every year for decades, the planet has used more energy than the year before, spurred largely by the improving standard of living in developing areas. At the same time, the world has tried to move away from fossil fuel dependence and toward renewable sources in the worthwhile hopes of reducing environmental impact and gaining more independence from supply sources that are unreliable or unfriendly (or both). New energy supply technologies, therefore, always attract plenty of attention.

Wand flipping power switch

Until recently, the demand for electricity in the United States has been mostly steady, growing a little less than 4% over the past 20 years. Constant improvement in the efficiency of home appliances, air conditioning and heating systems, light bulbs, even electronic chargers, combined with an “offshoring” of many industrial facilities, largely offset the increase in demand that came from an influx of new homes and electric-powered innovations.

Today, however, things look dramatically different.