
A painting of Labrador ducks

Professional ornithologist Glen Chilton made quite the interesting offer in 2009: “I will pay a reward of $10,000 to the first person who can direct me to a genuine stuffed Labrador duck that I have not seen and described in my book, The Curse of the Labrador Duck.

Chilton made the offer because he had just completed a nearly 10-year study to personally examine all 55 known remaining taxidermic mounts and study skins of the bird, and he wanted to make sure he had located them all. 

His quixotic quest took him to museums throughout North America and Europe. He logged 72,018 miles on airplanes; 5,461 miles on trains; 3,408 miles in cars; 158 miles in taxis; 43 miles on ferries; and 1,169 miles on buses. That total of 82,257 miles is longer than three times around the earth at the equator! 

Highlights for Children founder Garry Meyers reads the magazine to his grandchildren.

When Garry and Carolyn Meyers created Highlights for Children in 1946, they did so with the belief that children have an innate ability to think and learn and create and that they should be encouraged to share their thoughts and feelings.

Highlights' 75th Anniversary Edition

Highlights, based in Columbus, recently celebrated its 75th year of “fun with a purpose”— presenting opportunities for parents to “lean in and listen” to encourage curiosity and self-confidence. 

A woman reads a book on a couch.

If you’ve been following along with the “Survive and Thrive: A New Theme for 2016!” series, you know that I’ve launched an aggressive campaign against overtired, over-stressed parenting. Hopefully by now, you’ve been able to focus more on your family by reconsidering your time commitments and making room for memories. This month, however, I want you to shift your focus from your family to yourself. That’s right. I want you take time out to read a book.