Survive and thrive! Tip 3: Read a book

A woman reads a book on a couch.

If you’ve been following along with the “Survive and Thrive: A New Theme for 2016!” series, you know that I’ve launched an aggressive campaign against overtired, over-stressed parenting. Hopefully by now, you’ve been able to focus more on your family by reconsidering your time commitments and making room for memories. This month, however, I want you to shift your focus from your family to yourself. That’s right. I want you take time out to read a book.

I know some of you might be thinking, “Are you kidding me?! With everything I have to do, there is no way I can squeeze in a good book right now!” Before you dismiss the idea entirely, however, consider this: Reading a book can actually improve your family life. Here’s how:

1. Reading a book will renew your mind. Taking time out from your “taxi driver” role and curling up with a good book can actually reduce your stress, improve your memory and help you feel more positive. Did you know that people who read are less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease? Some studies even suggest that reading a book can help you sleep better, and who doesn’t want that?

2. Reading a book will improve your children’s literacy. Research has proven that children whose parents read become better readers themselves, which equates to better performance in school and greater opportunities. (They may never say it, but somewhere deep inside, your kids are receiving this message every time they see you read a book: “If mom’s doing it, it must be important!”)

3. Reading a book just might launch you on a new journey. You might find a new passion or hobby — or even a new career. Maybe you just need a little inspiration to make it through the day. According to researchers at The Ohio State University, people who read a book about someone else’s success — even a fictional character’s — often find the motivation to achieve goals themselves.

So really, you don’t have time not to read a book. Still need help getting started? Chat with your local librarian. These highly helpful folks specialize in connecting people just like you with that next great read. Crack open that book and take the next step in really thriving throughout the coming year.