Following the hounds

Ohio Cooperative Living outdoors editor W.H. “Chip” Gross spent a morning this past autumn observing a fox hunt with the 100-year-old Rocky Fork Headley Hunt in Gahanna, one of more than 100 such traditional foxhunting clubs throughout the U.S. and Canada. He returned with newfound admiration for the riders, their horses, the pack, and their prey.*

As seen in these photos, a dozen or more foxhounds can make up a pack for a day’s hunt.

A woman using a hunting horn to call her hounds during a fox hunt.

Foxhounds are trained to return to the sound of a hunting horn following a chase.

A woman riding a horse with hounds beside her before a foxhunt
A rider being blessed before a fox hunt.
Equestrians riding through the woods during a fox hunt.
A bagpiper leading a group of equestrians before a fox hunt.
A young girl petting a horse after a fox hunt.
Hunting hounds on a fox hunt through the woods.