
View of the world from outer space

Our nation’s workforce has experienced significant shifts these past few years as a new generation of workers and leaders has started taking the place of aging baby boomers like myself. Now, as I prepare for my upcoming retirement in early January, I’m in the process of turning over the leadership of Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives and Buckeye Power to our next president and CEO. 

Charles Hall

Thompson, Ohio, native Charles Hall discovered by experimentation the process that reduces aluminum from its ore to the malleable metal that swaddles your candy or can be put to use in any of thousands of ways. It all started in Ohio in February 135 years ago.

In fact, a 6-pound, 9-inch pyramid of aluminum was set atop the Washington Monument in 1884 just for that purpose. The cost of that pyramid is unknown, but had it been constructed two years later, its cost would have been far less: Reducing aluminum’s ore to a metal was labor-intensive and expensive before a 23-year-old Hall — working in a shed in his parents’ Oberlin backyard — happened upon what is now called the Hall method for reducing globs of ore to metal by applying electric current.