Vacation cruises are among Tom and Sally Davies’ favorite ways to relax. Three-day all-inclusive getaways with exceptional food, a variety of entertainment options, and lots of lounging by the pool while making friends with your fellow travelers — what’s not to love?
Their most recent cruise, however, was just a little different. Instead of flying to Florida, the Minerva couple, members of Carroll Electric Cooperative, headed to Amish country, where the Amish Country Theater and the Berlin Encore Hotel host “land cruises” 10 times a year.
“We are familiar with the Amish area,” Sally Davies says. “But we didn’t know there was an event [like this one]. There were even animals made out of towels on the bed just like on the cruise ships.”
The Amish Country Theater and the Berlin Encore Hotel host “land cruises” 10 times a year, which features plenty of entertainment.
The land cruises “embark” about once a month, drawing landlubbers from throughout Ohio and neighboring states. Festivities commence on a Tuesday afternoon and continue through checkout the following Thursday morning.
There is no gangplank to negotiate and no required program on the proper way to use life preservers. Just belly up to the reception desk for colorful leis and the lanyards that serve as tickets for the duration.
“Our goal is to make sure you have lots of fun and lots of food,” says John Bunn, who serves double duty as the “cruise director” and the headline entertainer. “This is just like being on a ship but without the deep blue ocean.”
The affable Bunn dons bib overalls and hillbilly teeth to become “Lynyrd,” the self-proclaimed master of laughter who headlines the Welcome Aboard Show, emcees game shows, and introduces musical performers throughout the cruise.
He lays out the rules during the welcome aboard session, reminding participants to wear the provided lanyards, which are essentially tickets to all the events. He encourages folks to make
friends and to sample the swamp water, which is a combination of birch beer and orange soda. He also recommends signing up for game shows like “The Big Pyramid,” “The Happy Couple,” and “This and That.”
“Make sure you collect as many bacon bits as you can,” he adds with a chuckle. “You won’t be sorry.” Bacon bits are tickets, earned through game action, bingo, audience participation, and a few other ways that can be traded for entry into a prize drawing for gifts including a complimentary tour, lodging certificates, comedy theater tickets, and commemorative sweatshirts.
“We’ve been on 12 land cruises, and each is more enjoyable than the previous one,” says retired Akron teacher Brad Dezordo. “We have been here so often we know the staff and they know us.”
Land cruises debuted in 2020. They are the brainchild of Jeff Conn, one of the owners of the event center that includes the hotel and theater. He had just returned from a traditional ocean voyage and believed the experience could be re-created on land — and his family’s seven-story hotel, theater, and event space was just the place.
The initial cruise season was cut short by COVID, but they’ve grown steadily ever since. Bunn says the current 10-cruise schedule, with months off in October and December, seems to be the sweet spot.
“Ten is a good number for us,” he says. “We sell out some months, but the addition of our sister property (the Berlin Resort) will help with overflow. We want people to come and have a good time. We definitely feed off the enthusiasm of our audiences.”
Tom and Sally Davies and Dezordo say they certainly enjoyed the family-friendly shows, and they all raved about the food. Dinners featuring iconic Amish fare are served buffet-style and cruisers are encouraged to come back for seconds. Plentiful snacks and slushies are available, and a self-serve ice cream station is open around the clock.
“Just like the cruise ships, you come home weighing more than when you left,” Dezordo says. “They feed you really good, but there is always room for ice cream.”