
Declaration of Independence

It’s a paradox: Our independence relies on trust and interdependence. By sticking together, we are stronger.

The Fourth of July provides us an opportunity to celebrate our independence as the United States of America. Our national holiday also provides an opportunity to reflect on the courage and strength of will demonstrated by the colonial leaders who drafted and signed our famous Declaration of Independence.   

While the first few lines are more famous, the closing sentence provides a clear view of their understanding of what it takes to be truly independent.

“And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

It’s a statement of unwavering personal commitment and also of a firm reliance on trusted partners. It’s a paradox: Our independence relies on trust and interdependence. Today we all continue to be beneficiaries of the wisdom and commitment exhibited by these revolutionaries. Threats to our independence — as a nation, in our community, in our business or family life — will always exist.  

Your electric cooperative survives as a locally controlled, independent business through these same principles: an unwavering commitment to providing an essential service to all members at a reasonable cost and a firm reliance on trusted partners throughout the electric cooperative network to help them maintain their independence. By sticking together, we are stronger.

Thank you for your support and patronage of your electric cooperative. Hope you and your family enjoy a fun and safe Independence Day. 

God bless America!