Humbled by hurricanes

Shelter, food, clean water, electricity — these are the essentials of life in today’s world. For all the technology and innovation available in our modern society, these essentials can still be stripped away in minutes by the power of nature. Across much of Texas, Florida, and nearby states, recovery efforts are underway as of this writing from hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Hopefully by the time you read this, these essentials will have been restored to everyone impacted by these storms.

When lives are turned upside down by events beyond anyone’s control, it’s the kindness of strangers — people willing to help those in need — that starts the process of putting things back together. I’m particularly touched by how quickly and completely our sometimes-bitter differences fade away.

Back here in Ohio, most of us have not even been inconvenienced by these storms. But here’s what I know: Hundreds of Ohioans have packed up and headed into the hardest-hit areas to help people restore the essentials, to help clean up, or even to help start over — and it’s not because of who needs help, it’s just because they need help.

Seventy-two of Ohio’s electric cooperative linemen left the day after Irma crashed through to assist electric co-ops in Georgia in restoring power to the tens of thousands of people who were left without. Behind the scenes, we’ve been preparing for months and years to be able to quickly and safely mobilize help whenever and wherever needed. It’s work, but it’s more than a business trip. It really is another part of the Cooperative Difference. Neighbors helping neighbors, near or far, because for all our differences, there is still much more that binds us together than pushes us apart.

God bless and protect all those affected by these storms and the neighbors who have come to their aid!