Buckeye bobcats on the prowl

Baby bobcats

Baby bobcats

Bobcat baby

Three Ohio Cooperative Living readers contacted me about my Woods, Waters & Wildlife column in the November 2020 issue concerning the increasing bobcat population in the Buckeye State. One person had a question and two had bobcat sightings to report, one sending along three photos.  By the way, I’m always interested in seeing reader photos or hearing your outdoor stories, so don’t hesitate to send them!


Q: I live in western Marion County near Killdeer Plains Wildlife Area, and last year I heard a very distinct “big cat” sound outside my window.  Later, a friend while driving to work thought he saw a bobcat.  Could it be possible that bobcats have made it to my area? -- Paula Price

A: Yes, it’s very possible, Paula, as Killdeer Plains is a large area of wildlife habitat that would be very attractive to bobcats moving into your region. That said, domestic cats can also make some very loud and strange sounds during breeding. Bobcats are not as big as most people think. Females weigh about 15 pounds and males can weigh double that, or about two to three times the size of a domestic housecat. 


Chuck Bentz, Union Rural Electric Cooperative

Hi, Chip: I just read your article regarding bobcats making a comeback.  I have a cottage at Piedmont Lake (serviced by South Central Power Company), and our trail camera caught a few bobcats recently…thought you might be interested in seeing the three photos.



Rebecca Travis, Guernsey-Muskingum Electric Cooperative

You have a knack for topics on my radar. On September 17 at roughly 8 a.m., my husband called me to come quickly to a front window of our house facing our rural road.  There, calmly strolling up the road, was a robust bobcat, who proceeded behind our spring house to lift his leg to mark it. He then went up the hill above us along a wooded ridge. 

This hardy fellow was longer-legged than I pictured.  Maybe I was thinking lynx instead of bobcat, but he was the size of a medium dog and so calm. I knew trail cameras had captured them near us, along with coyotes, and I’d seen them at night crossing the road while I was driving. I just didn’t expect this one to drop in during the daytime. We live down the hill from the State Route146 entrance to The Wilds.